Intent + Implementation



Our PSHE teaching enhances and reflects our Christian ethos, fundamental to our success in being a happy, caring and safe school.

We follow Jigsaw – a mindful approach to PSHE. Our PSHE curriculum holds children at its heart, and its cohesive vision helps children understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world. With strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health we help to equip children for our ever-changing world. Through Jigsaw we also promote mindfulness, allowing children to advance their emotional awareness.

We strive to ensure that our children will leave Heene Primary School as confident young people, aware of who they are as a person, and the talents and gifts that they have to offer. We also provide our children with an appreciation of the world we live in and support them in making a positive contribution to our school and wider community, now and throughout their later lives.

PSHE is taught as explicit lessons, as well as through the Science and Computing curriculums. In addition to this, it is also embedded in other areas of the curriculum and day-to-day life of the school.



At Heene we teach our PSHE programme including statutory Relationships and Health Education, in a spiral, progressive and fully planned scheme of work, giving children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others.

Jigsaw consists of six half-term units of work (Puzzles), each containing six lessons (Pieces) covering each academic year.

Term 1: Being Me in My World Term

2: Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying)

3: Dreams and Goals Term

4: Healthy Me Term

5: Relationships Term

6: Changing Me (including Sex Education)

Every Piece has two Learning Intentions, one specific to Relationships and Health Education (PSHE) and the other designed to develop emotional literacy and social skills.

Puzzles are launched with a whole-school assembly containing an original song, with each year group studying the same unit at the same time (at their own level), building sequentially through the school year, facilitating whole-school learning themes. The various teaching and learning activities are engaging and mindful of different learning styles and the need for differentiation and the Early Years (EYFS) planning is aligned to the National Early Years Framework (England). Each lesson is built upon a charter which underpins the behaviour and respect that is the basis for each lesson.