We warmly welcome new children and their families to our community at Heene Primary.
Parents and Carers who are considering sending their children to our school are very welcome to visit to see all the school has to offer. Please ring the school office (01903 201386) to make a mutually convenient appointment for a guided tour with the Headteacher or Deputy.
We are a two form entry Primary School, with an age range of 4-11 years.
The published admission number (PAN) in 2023-24 is as follows:
Year R - 60
Year 1 - 60
Year 2 - 60
Year 3 - 60
Year 4 - 60
Year 5 - 60
Year 6 - 60
If you wish to apply for an In-Year place at Heene please have a look at Heene's Admission Arrangements and make an application via:
WSCC - In Year School Application
Worthing (South) Pupil Admissions Office:
Bridge House
Barrington Road
BN12 4SE
Tel: 03330 142903
E-mail: admissions.south@westsussex.gov.uk
Under the Education Act, parents can express a preference for a particular school, but do not have a right to choose a school.