It is our intent that pupils to learn to communicate for practical purposes, to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing.
The French curriculum is designed and sequenced so that, as soon as they start to learn French in y2, pupils acquire ‘building blocks’ of language that enable them to communicate for practical purposes. These building blocks, reinforced by gesture, pictures and song, remain a constant in their learning, so that the introduction of new grammar and vocabulary can be adapted to the needs of all learners and delivered in engaging and exciting ways. Where pupils acquire new skills very rapidly, open-ended tasks and bilingual dictionaries ensure that children can follow their own interests through the medium of a second language. The skills and knowledge of mother-tongue speakers in the class are celebrated and they are encouraged to provide a role model for others whilst developing their own understanding through open-ended tasks.
The aim of language teaching at Heene is to foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world, to enable them to learn new ways of thinking and to provide the foundation for learning further languages. Pupils are encouraged to look for the common ground with others when studying French language and culture, to compare and contrast our own community with communities in the francophone nations and in our wider global community.
Our MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) coordinator liaises with high school language departments to support a smooth transition for pupils, whether they will continue with French or learn a different language.
Non-statutory. Learning through gesture, pictures and song, in any context, will support their future learning.
Non-statutory however French is taught from Year 2 using Early Start French. This introduces basic vocabulary across a variety of general topics and via videos, songs and stories introduces them to French in fun way, engaging them in spoken words and phrases only.
- We use the Primary French Project published by IFRU (Institut français du Royaume-Uni) and the Association for Language Learning (ALL)
- Students use the interactive whiteboard, together with printable picture cards and word cards, and links to French story books on line
- There are strong links to literacy; providing a scaffolding for linguistic progression throughout KS2 and assessment materials.
- The lesson plans are designed to be 30 minutes in length for Years 3/4 and 45 minutes in length for Years 5/6.
- The lessons are designed to be progressive and build on prior learning, moving from word to sentence level over the four years
- The lesson plans include ideas for support for the less able and to extend the more able
- The lesson activities are challenging, varied and interactive and develop listening, reading, speaking and writing skills
- Interactive whiteboard resources with audio support are provided
- The choice of vocabulary ensures exposure to all the key phonic sounds and ability to build sentences using grammatical knowledge
- In Year 6, the content allows for revisiting and consolidating prior knowledge.