Heene Primary School is currently developing its PE curriculum in order to ensure that we are delivering the best possible Physical Education.
Our PE Curriculum, along with PSHE and science, teaches children about the importance of healthy living and our aim is to give every child the opportunity to take part in regular physical activity. We want children to enjoy physical activity and to develop their knowledge and skills which in turn will positively impact their future by becoming physically active citizens thus benefiting their long-term health and well-being.
Our curriculum will allow for children to develop competence in a range of physical activities and skills, encouraging competitive experiences wherever possible.
Our provision ensures that all children are given the opportunity to access physical education. Where necessary, additional support or an adaptation of equipment and/or resources will be used in order to enable all children to be appropriately challenged and thus to achieve well. We work with other agencies as required to ensure that the provision for children with physical disabilities or motor impairments is appropriate and provides the right level of challenge to suit individual needs.
We endeavour to provide children with positive sporting role models in each aspect of their learning. This provides excellent examples of performance, resilience and sportsmanship in order to inspire children to achieve their goals. This is not simply in physical activity but as a vehicle for increasing self-esteem enabling children to overcome barriers in different aspects of their lives.
Links to School Values :
Growth: physically, mentally and emotionally – the subject allows children to discover and develop new abilities and skills, as well as dealing with situations that involve competition and cooperation.
Fairness: we provide an extensive range and number of after school clubs which we encourage all children to try. We strive to give as many children as possible the opportunity to represent the school if they wish to. Children learn about the importance of fair play, taking turns, resolving issues when working with others and are encouraged to treat others fairly in games situations.
Respect: when participating in any physical activity children should be taught to be respectful of themselves and others, appreciating differences in ability, learning to deal with success and failure, celebrating achievements and showing sportsmanship.
Honesty: physical activity allows children to be honest and assess their own abilities, working on areas of development with support and show sportsmanship in following rules as well as opportunities to set their own.
Love: in the aspects of caring and developing skills, children can learn to help one another in an encouraging manner, support their peers in areas of development and appreciate differences in resolving situations in a caring manner.
Community: an important part of sport as a whole, children will often work in pairs, small groups and teams in physical activities, learning how to work with others in a variety of ways.
PE teaching and learning is connected by considering what has been learnt previously and the outcomes expected at the end of the unit.
Teachers deliver lessons planned using knowledge organisers with the support of the sports coach to ensure every child is able to access the learning, providing support and extension where required. Knowledge organisers are provided to share the key vocabulary and give guidance on how learning can be supported. Vocabulary and outcomes are shared with the children and revisited frequently allowing connections to be made between skills/games/performances.
Children as well as adults, model and demonstrate good examples of the skills required in order to be successful in achieving the outcomes. Once the skills have been taught in the lesson they are applied to games or performances, showing an understanding of greater concepts. Assessment for learning takes place continually throughout lessons in order to ensure all children receive support/challenge as required.
The focus for PE in the Early Years enables children to explore how their bodies work and to develop individual skills whilst working on spatial awareness. Physical development in the foundation stage is about improving skills of coordination, control, manipulation, movement and developing a positive sense of well-being.
In Early Years children will be encouraged to gain independence; developing the basic skills needed to enjoy a physically active life. Children will explore running, jumping, throwing and catching as well as manipulating balls and objects during PE lessons. They will learn how to have fun whilst being active independently and alongside others, involving children using a range of equipment, being offered choice and plenty of praise as they reach their goals. Children will also learn about and how to look after their bodies properly, ensuring they have an awareness of themselves whilst developing core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility. Physical activity time offered during the school day is also vitally important in supporting physical development in Early Years children as they receive varied opportunities to explore and play, developing their fine and gross motor skills further.
In Key Stage 1 children further develop the basic skills that they learnt in the EYFS curriculum and will learn to move with increased coordination and control. Children begin to use and link the actions/skills previously learnt by applying them to more focused activities such as gymnastics, dance, athletics and games. In Key Stage 1 children will work with partners to build on the skill of co-operation whilst creating practises/games and sequences. The focus is still skills based and children begin to explore how changes can be made in order to improve their performance.
In Key Stage 1, the friendly competitive nature of sport is properly introduced for the first time, as is the concept of winning and losing. Children will watch each other perform gymnastics and dance routines and look at techniques used by others in athletics. They will be taught to comment on what has been done well and begin to suggest ways they can improve their own performances. Key Stage 1 continues to build on learning about the ways we can look after our bodies. Children begin to consider the impact of exercise on their bodies by describing how their own body changes and feels during physical activity.
In Lower Key Stage 2 children build on the skills they have learnt in previous years by improving their coordination and control and varying their skills to suit different activities. Children will develop skills associated with various games including invasion, net and striking and fielding games learning tactics required for small sided games.
The children will also develop their compositional skills in movement based activities such as dance and gymnastics, showing how they can build and perform sequences in pairs and small groups. They will work in small groups to devise ideas for activities taking responsibility for organisation and rules.
In Lower Key Stage 2 children will develop a greater understanding of how to take part in physical activity safely and the importance of warming up. There is still very much a focus on keeping fit and healthy with children showing an increased awareness of how to do this. Children will be able to articulate the impact physical exercise has on their body both now and in the future.
In LKS2 the children will build on the skills of reflection and evaluation that they were beginning to develop in Key Stage 1. They will be encouraged to comment on how their performance is similar/different to others, using these observations to further improve themselves as athletes. Swimming skills are taught as part of the National Curriculum with a view to being safe in and around water, as well as developing technique and stamina. For children who are not able to meet the criteria for NC swimming awards in Year 4 we offer ‘Top Up’ swimming in Year 6 to ensure that more children achieve and progress in this area of the curriculum.
In Upper Key Stage 2 there is still a focus on skills based objectives in PE and Games. Children are required to select and link skills effectively whilst applying their knowledge and skills tactically.
In gymnastics and dance children will work in small groups to produce sequences involving compositional elements, utilising and further developing the skills that they have previously learnt to perform more complex routines.
Games will begin to take shape in the form of smaller versions of known sports such as netball, basketball, football, hockey, tag rugby, tennis, rounders and cricket. The rules and further tactics required for these will be introduced throughout UKS2 so that children are able to participate with greater understanding.
Children will continue to build on previous learning by further developing their evaluation skills. This will lead to an improvement of their own and others’ performances ensuring children are able to encourage, coach and support their peers.
Children will assume increased responsibility for their own development and physical well-being by leading their own warm ups, gaining knowledge of muscles groups/functions and organising activities safely. They begin to link their PE learning, especially that surrounding health and fitness, to the rest of their lives and they will look at opportunities that can be unlocked by being physically fit and healthy.
In Upper Key Stage 2 children will apply previously learnt skills whilst demonstrating a greater awareness of others. They will work in larger groups, combining skills to achieve success in a variety of activity areas (including games, athletics, dance and gymnastics).
OAA is accessed during the residential visits in UKS2 and allows children a different context in order to adapt the skills they have learnt throughout PE in the school. The education in this phase supports the development of each individual as they take on roles as coach, performer, team member and sportsman in order to achieve success, persevere and work as a part of a community.