British Values

Heene CE Primary School promotes and upholds the British Values of DemocracyThe Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance as well as the Christian Values including faith, love, hope, peace, joy, fairness, generosity, respect, courage, truthfulness, reflection, sacrifice and self-discipline.

An understanding of democracy is developed through our school council.  At the start of the year pupils vote in each class to elect member of the school council.  They meet regularly each term and bring to the table any issues or ideas from their classes.  In addition, they are consulted about their ideas for school improvement and in policy making.

An understanding of the rule of law is developed through class discussions around the rights and responsibilities of the pupils. This informs relationships and behaviour in school.  The children have discussed and compiled the responsibilities they will be held accountable for both in the classroom and on the playground.  This shapes classroom and school rules and supports a recent review of our Behaviour Policy.











An understanding of civil liberty (freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of assembly, freedom of association and freedom of religious worship) is developed through pupil voice, pupil choice and pupil influence in the curriculum and in all aspects of school life.

An understanding of respect and tolerance is developed through our school ethos, our mission statement (undergoing a full review with governors and the school community – January 2016) and our rights and responsibilities as illustrated in our RRSA Level 1 award.  Respect is one of our core values which has been discussed in depth.

Other values are developed through Collective Worship, class assemblies and PSHE.